How Does Hive-Consciousness Affect Us?

   In one of my latest blogs, I suggested that I feel the Idle No More movement is one of the most important watershed events in the spiritual evolution of our species, evolving out of the Matriarch. I also went on to say that it had all the characteristics of Hive-Consciousness. The flash crowd actions
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Why ‘Idle No More’ is Important for our Spiritual Evolution!

I see the ‘Idle No More’ movement as way more than just a protest of social disobedience. I see it as an important watershed event of our planetary spiritual evolution. Yes, I realize those are mighty big words, but I see it as the beginning of events equivalent to The Wall coming down in Germany,
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Getting close to Dec 21 2012: What’s Up?

  If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you might already know I have been looking at the Mayan and other ancient Prophesies for many years now. Along the way of this quest I have taught several full semester courses, facilitated and/or co-facilitated several journeys to Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. I have also
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Changing Brain 3: Neuroplasticity, a Deeper Look

  In the last blog we started looking at neuroplasticity and how we can literally change our brain via various mechanisms. This research has taking me on a very fascinating journey of sorts. This journey has had both book and video literature research and dream-like visions of what this means to us as a species
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