Druids Part 2: How Mistletoe and Avebury Creates Coherence


In our last blog we watched as a fertility ceremony was conducted on Beltane at Avebury Henge, by Druids using Mistletoe and sacrifice to help with the fertility of grain seeds, women and livestock. On the surface, it is easy to dismiss this as a bunch of pagan superstition and an excuse to party, with no validity in the modern world. Yes it is true this is a pagan ceremony, but much of it can be explained by some underlying science — not just faith. In fact there is so much science for coherence here that it cannot be coincidence. How did a group of ‘Hairy Barbarians’ learn this information in Neolithic times?

We will deal with the physics of Avebury in more detail later in this blog, but we do need to keep it in perspective that even though it was built over a long period of time, the henge was pretty much functional in Neolithic times (2,600 BCE), almost 5,000 years ago. Parts of West Kennet Avenue and Silbury Hill were built in the 4th millennium BCE. We do not know who built it and or even how long the Druids used it.  It is presumed that the Druids came into this area much later, but this is not known for certainty either.

Let’s go through the various parts of the ceremony to see if we can make any sense out of it.  To do this we will have to wander back and forth, from the land of the mystic to the land of science. Bear with me as we journey between these worlds, and we might also get some insights into other culture’s rituals.

Beltane (May 1st) is one of the most powerful days for the Druids. It marked the beginning of summer, and more importantly, the festival of fertility. Great bonfires were used as a form of purification; sacrifice and fertility rites were often done at this time to assure good crops. This festival is the opposite festival of Samhain held six month later on Oct 31- Nov 1, which we have come to know as Halloween, and All Saint’s Day.

For the Druids the day actually starts at sunset, so as soon as the sun goes down, it is the start of the new day. The moon is quite important to the ancient Druids. For reasons lost to history, the sixth of the moon, or sixth days after the new moon, was consider the most powerful day of a cycle. When both Beltane and the sixth of the moon happened at the same time, the day would be quite auspicious (as in this ceremony, in 175 BCE).

The process of becoming an ancient Druid was one of 10 – 20 years of education with emphasis on philosophy, science, and the natural world. Even though it was indeed quite scholarly, it was totally an oral tradition, with a great aversion to writing things down; thus none of the rites and very little of their history has survived into modern times. The study of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras was considered quite important to the Druids of this time frame. To become Arch Druid, you would have to be elected by the high council of Druids. Some feel the name Merlin was given to the Arch Druid, making this name a title more than the name of one individual in history. The Druids believed in reincarnation and in many gods. The most important to them was the god Mercury.  They worked with the natural world, the Nature Spirits being quite central to their beliefs.

One of the most potent symbols from nature to the Druids was the Oak Tree, also considered the Tree of Life. There are many cultures that have the Tree of Life as a central figure in their world. The Maya, Inca, Jewish, and Siberian/Mongolian shamans all have a Tree of Life as a central figure in their mythos.  To the Druids, it was the Oak Tree. In fact, a Druid was said not to be able to conduct a ceremony without a piece of oak, may it be a branch or leaves. Some feel this is where we get the image of the wizard carrying a staff in mythology.

On rare occasions mistletoe will grow on oak trees; this was considered very holy and a gift from the gods. Mistletoe is often considered an obligated hemiparasite, which means a parasite that cannot complete its life cycle without the host, but does not depend completely on the host. I feel mistletoe is not really a parasite, because the Oak tree receives something from the mistletoe. I feel the mistletoe ‘heals’ the Oak tree, making it a healing symbiotic plant relationship.

Fritz-Albert Popp is a German researcher in the area of Biophysics, from the University of Marburg. He is one of the major figures in the science of biological coherence. Working with cancer patients, he studied several botanical substances that could regulate photonic coherence in cancer patients. The substance that came out on top in his test was Mistletoe. He not only found it created the best balance of coherence for cancer treatment, it was responsible for improving the health of many patients with various forms of cancer. (1) Several brands and varying species of mistletoes are used in Europe to treat cancer.

Back to our Druids: did they know mistletoe could create coherence? It is interesting they designed a specific vessel and according to eyewitnesses, cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle. Gold is well known to conduct electromagnetic frequency and it is one of the best radiation shields. In fact it was used on the space shuttles and on many satellites for that purpose. Gold would not be a good choice for a sickle, as not only is it very expensive; it is quite soft, not being good as a cutting tool.

Of course this whole process is done under the somewhat theatrical backdrop of ceremony. It has been shown in many studies that ceremony itself can create coherence, as can drumming. Many cultures have used rhythmic drumming to create focus and trance-like states.  By getting a large number of people focused in the same direction (as we have shown in earlier blogs) you can create coherence. Marching over a distance, all in synchronization to drumming, has been shown to create a resonance with earth energy, putting the participants into a deep state of active meditation.  The First Nations People (Amerindians) used this technique, as epitomized in the Ghost Dance.

The use of the male/female (Yang/Yin) polarity starting from different direction and joining together excites the electrical current. The culmination of the massive fertility rite and lovemaking releases the built-up energy both on a human level and nature spirit level. Sexual ‘magic’ has been used by many cultures to enact specific intentions.

Mixing mistletoe with the sacrificial blood of the bull not only creates and releases tension; it could create a strong coherence in the mixture that works on the grain. As discussed in earlier blogs, the act of similarities is one of the basic laws of ‘magic’.  By placing this blood and mistletoe mixture in samples of the grain, it will affect all the rest of the gain present by the laws of similarities.

Now we come to the interesting facts around one of the main players in this whole ceremony — the Avenues and Henge itself. The surface of the earth has an electromagnetic field that fluctuates throughout the day from sunrise to sunset. These electric currents change, and more importantly flow, depending on the soil type and topography of an area. Due to the soil types and topography of the area around Avebury, it has a higher than normal electromagnetic ‘flow’ and fluctuation. This has been significantly improved upon by changing the topography, by building huge manmade hills. Silbury Hill is 131 ft (40m) tall and 548 ft (167m) in diameter. This is the tallest man-made mound in Europe, being composed mainly of chalk, and took an estimated 18 million man-hours to build. Avebury is between Windmill Hill and Silbury Hill. This effect seems to squeeze the electric ground current in toward the Henge itself. It is easiest to visualize the electric ground as water flowing in a river, being squeezed between two large banks. This of course makes the water (electric ground current) flow faster.


The large stones that make up both the Avenues and the Henge are magnetic in nature, containing black magnetite. Each of these rocks acts as a weak but very large magnet. As you know, magnets have north poles and south poles. All 100 pairs of Standing Stones on the avenues have their south poles facing the same direction, toward the Henge. Inside the stone circle, all of the south poles face in a clock-wise direction with two exceptions: those at the Avenue entrance that aligns with the Avenue. (2)

What about the deep ditches around the Henge, with the exception of the Avenue entrances? Again the electric ground current flows in one direction. When the ground current encounters the ditch, it comes to an abrupt halt, as it cannot flow in that direction anymore. It, as water would, takes the path of least resistance and floods into the narrow space of the Avenue entrances. Just like the squeezing of electric current from the hills, it rushes into the entrance almost like a floodgate.

All of this traps the electrical current inside the circle. What this does is create airborne ions moving in one direction.(2) This is very similar to the Chicago Fermilab – America’s greatest circular atomic accelerator. Today we have physicists spending billions of dollars to create cyclotrons or colliders – and these ‘Hairy Barbarians’ of circa 2500 BCE had their very own, for a mere fraction of the cost.

One of the many questions: is this ‘collider’ still active with many of the stones down and out of place, with a town in the middle of the whole thing? Here is a photo taken with a 15-foot diameter glowing ball (orb) in the middle of the avenue, so it looks like the technology is still working a bit after all these years. I wonder how long the Swiss/French CERN collider will work?  Measurements with sensitive instruments have confirmed that the ground current does increase and decrease to an astounding degree, proving it is still active, but presumably at a weaker level than in original times.

In 1823 local residents removed three major stones, ‘as they said it spooked their horses.’  So it seems that at least horses could sense activity here.  How did these Neolith people figure this all out? Why would the ancients want to build a ‘collider’? Well there can be many explanations of course, bordering on the mystical and even science fiction. It is possible some of these might have a grain of truth, but the most important reason is quite simple: it is all for the grain itself.

By changing the electromagnetic field around a seed, it can dramatically increase its fertility and growth patterns! It has been shown that specific air-bound electrons can coat a seed and absorb into the mitochondria, creating antioxidant defenses, so the seed can handle almost anything. These seeds not only germinated better, they matured in a shorter period of time, being able to handle a greater degree of adversity. They produced substantially better crop yields. Burke and Halberg put forward a very convincing story, with lots of data and experiments, on how Avebury and many other sacred sites around the world helped increase seed fertility, thus enabling civilizations to feed larger numbers of people. They literally did over 1000 electromagnetic readings around Avebury to show that it still has a certain amount of activity that could increase seed fertility today. There are many thousands of mini electric current sights to increase seed fertility around Europe and the Americas. Avebury just happens to be one of the largest. Many of the pyramids of the Maya and Egyptians, and other structures in South America and Northeastern USA have the right electromagnetic fields to help grains germinate.

Whenever and wherever these types of technologies were implemented around the world throughout history, great wealth came to the local people. This is evident in rich burial sites, with gold knives and adornments. It appears that after millennia of success at Avebury, competition was set up, down the road in the now more famous Stone Henge. Even though Stone Henge was continuously tweaked and improved, it appears never to have quite hit the success levels of Avebury, at least at an economical level.

Even though some of this can be chalked up to an ancient form of technology, it does not mean that ceremony, group focus and coherence was not as important. Here we have a combination of old technology and the human factor married together to create abundance and fertility.

To summarize, we have seen that:

  1. Ceremonial focus, especially with rhythmic drumming, can create coherence; especially slow pounding of the ground with many feet.
  2. Specific times observed by ancient cultures not only had meaning to them, they seem to have had an electromagnetic significance.
  3. Mistletoe, especially from the Tree of Life, helps create coherence.
  4. Avebury is not just a bunch of stones placed for ceremony; it has all the features of a Neolithic particle collider, which still has activity.
  5. Air-bound electric currents can improve seed fertility, and increase crop production dramatically.
  6. This technology was used with varying success in many locations around the world.
  7. Much of the ‘magic’ of the ceremony has a modern scientific explanation.


(1) MaTaggart, Lynne; The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe; Harper Perennial; 2008

(2) Burke John, Halberb Kaj; Seed of Knowledge Stone of Plenty; Understanding The Lost Technology of the Ancient Megalith-Builders; Council of Oak Books, San Francisco, 2005.