Medications Documented to Induce Mitochondrial Damage Part 3

This series of blogs on Mitochondria is from the notes that accompany a presentation at the Vancouver Island Herb Gather June 11, 2022. In our first 2 blogs in this series (Blog 1, Blog 2), we looked at the basic function of the mitochondria and how they affect our body if they become dysfunctional. There
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High cholesterol ‘does not cause heart disease’: Statins are a ‘Waste of Time’

A little over two years ago, I got a nasty parasite while adventuring in the tropics that landed me in the hospital so fatigued I could barely move. Fortunately for me I finally found out what the parasite was and my health is back to normal. At the time, because of my age and being
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The Changing Brain: Part 2

  In the last blog, we started looking at some of the ideas that were brought up in Deepak Chopra’s book Super Brain (written by Deepak Chopra M.D. and Rudy Tanzi Ph.D; ). What was immediately apparent was that many of the old ideas of nerves and the brain, that most of people from my
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