Medicinal Mushroom Part 5: Chaga, the Siberian Wonder

I was first introduced to Chaga (under another name), over a campfire talk by a Cree Elder from Northern Alberta, in the late 1980s. I was one of several instructors in a survival course on the lovely Kootenay Plains.  We were gathered to put on a weeklong course on various primitive technologies that could be
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Medicinal Mushrooms Part 3: Reishi: The Original Snake Oil

What is my favorite herb? Well Reishi mushroom of course. Why?  I would have to say it is one of the original ‘snake oils’ or cure-alls. Yeah really! That is what I first thought when I discovered all of the things it was supposed to be good for. I have been using this mushroom in
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Allergies (Hay fever)

Hay fever, asthma, hives, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, headaches, chills and inflammation of the skin are common allergic reactions. Allergens found in dust, pollen and common foods, such as milk, flour or soy, create these conditions in persons who are hyper (over) sensitive to them. In an effort to rid itself of the obnoxious substance, the
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