Role that Mitochondria Dysfunction Plays in various Health Issues — Part 4

In the last 3 blogs in this series we have looked at what the mitochondria is (part 1), how they affect the body when they are dysfunctional (part 2) and what actions can reduce the function of the mitochondria (part 3). One of the most important supplements to use when mitochondria dysfunction is suspected in
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High cholesterol ‘does not cause heart disease’: Statins are a ‘Waste of Time’

A little over two years ago, I got a nasty parasite while adventuring in the tropics that landed me in the hospital so fatigued I could barely move. Fortunately for me I finally found out what the parasite was and my health is back to normal. At the time, because of my age and being
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Happiness Part 4: The Remedies

In part 3 of these Happiness blogs, we saw some of the processes that modern Positive Psychology has found to increase Happiness. There are three things that have been shown to change the way the ‘Elephant’ relates to the ‘Rider’ (Happiness 1 – 3). They are meditation, cognitive therapy, and Prozac. We added in two
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The Changing Brain: Part 2

  In the last blog, we started looking at some of the ideas that were brought up in Deepak Chopra’s book Super Brain (written by Deepak Chopra M.D. and Rudy Tanzi Ph.D; ). What was immediately apparent was that many of the old ideas of nerves and the brain, that most of people from my
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