Cardiovascular Disease part 2 – Disease of the Arteries

Arterial disease, atherosclerosis In our last blog we looked at why matters of the Heart and Mind can affect lifestyle issues that can play a big role in cardiovascular (CV) issues. Here we are going to look more at what happens in the tubes. Arterial disease accounts for the vast majority of patients that suffer
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Cardiovascular Disease part 1 – Where do we Start?

After doing a blog on how statins might not always be good for you, several people asked me what to do, so I decided to do a multiple part blog on cardiovascular issues. We sit at a unique time in history when heart issues, both emotionally and physically, play one of the most prominent roles
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Herbs that can Help School Grades

Ah, that time of year again. Buy the new school clothes, books, pens and rulers, but don’t forget the supplements. Yes, there are several supplements that can be used to give a student an Herbal advantage when going back to school or college this fall. In this article, I’m going to talk about increasing mental
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