Tongue-to-Bum Part 6: Intestinal Immune System – Your Personal Secret Service

  In previous blogs we saw our adventurous journey taking us from perceiving food and drink in our minds eye, mindful eating (part 1, part 2), chewing our food in the mouth (part 3), swallowing it to enter the stomach ( part 4 ). In the last blog we saw the chyme entering the small intestine  is
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Tongue-to-Bum Part 3: The Mouth – Goes Chew, Chew, Chew

Back to our journey; even though our journey starts in the mind, (as we saw in our previous posts part 1 and part 2), all the excitement and anticipation we have built up is realized when we get on the subway at the first station. Our journey begins with food entering into the mouth as
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Tongue-to-Bum Part 2: Our Digestive Tract is Like the London Tube

No wonder digestive health is deteriorating in North America. Our digestion is already off to a bad start before we put anything into our mouth. In our last blog we saw that most people don’t enough time at the cephalic phase of digestion. Fortunately, you are a well-informed traveler, so you can avoid this pitfall by
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