Sleep Patterns: Lucid Dreaming Part 1

In the last few blogs we have been looking at various energetics that might influence sleep patterns and insomnia. We have also suggested that not only can broken sleep patterns be natural, but also they can enhance Lucid Dreaming. I know I have skirted around this area of Lucid dreaming in several blogs over the
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Flying Deer Stele, Mongolian/Siberian border area, present time.

We pick up our story in the same location we were 26,000 years ago, where we observed a ceremony in our last blog. In this tale we are with a small group traveling in modern times to the Siberian Mongolian area on an Eco-treck, looking at the origin of Shamanism . . . ****  
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Mongolian Vision, Summer Solstice 26,000 Before Present time

One of the first Avatar type visions I received from the Crystal Skull, was that of ancient shaman that lived near what is now the Mongolian – Siberian border area near Lake Bajkal. As this was my first conscious Avatar type experience, it was very shocking. This shock was further amplified by the fact of
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