You Really are What You Eat!!

A new study suggests that the connection between your food’s biochemistry and your own may be more intimate than we thought. It seems that tiny RNAs usually found in plants can be found circulating in blood, and animal studies indicate that they are directly manipulating the expression of genes. Is this genetics or Epigenetics?

I found this in an interesting blog from: The Discover magazine

What’s the Context:

MicroRNAs, or miRNAs, are molecules involved in regulation of  gene expression, the transcription of genes into proteins. miRNAs bind to the  messenger RNAs that ferry genetic information from DNA to the  ribosomes, which translate messenger RNAs into proteins.

When a miRNA binds a messenger RNA, it keeps it from being translated, thus preventing that gene from being expressed.

A team of researchers from Nanjing University had been studying the miRNAs that circulate in human blood and were surprised to find that some of the miRNAs were from plants. In this study, one of the most common plant miRNAs was from rice, a staple of their local Chinese subjects’ diets. They since confirmed with a variety of tests in mice that the miRNA, which, in its native environs, usually regulates plant development, was definitely coming from food.

Even more significant, when they put the rice miRNA in cells, they found that levels of a receptor that filters out LDL, aka  “bad” cholesterol, in the liver went down. As it turned out, the miRNA was binding to the receptor’s messenger RNA and preventing it from being expressed, sending receptor levels down and bad-cholesterol levels up. They saw the same effect when they tried it in mice.

Going further, after feeding rice to mice and also giving them a molecule that would turn off the miRNA, the liver receptor bounced back and bad cholesterol levels went down.

The team concludes that miRNAs may be a new class of functional components in food, like vitamins or minerals—even in an animal that’s pretty far removed from their home organism, they can manipulate gene expression and have an effect on nutrition.

What does the Future Holds:

It’s only logical that what we eat has an effect on the expression of our genes, in the general sense that nutrients from food are involved in cellular processes that control and are controlled by gene expression. But this is an unusually direct route, and surprising from an organism that’s so different from mammals.

Since miRNAs from plants haven’t been on scientists’ radar before, this should be a field ripe for further exploration. Do corn miRNAs circulate in the blood of people in societies that eat gigantic quantities of corn, like the North America? What receptors might those miRNAs control? What about GMO grains, that are consumed very often by our population?

You better watch what you eat, as you could become, or at least express it genetically.

Reference: Zhang, et al. Exogenous plant MIR168a specifically targets mammalian LDLRAP1: evidence of cross-kingdom regulation by microRNA. Cell Research, (20 September 2011) | doi:10.1038/cr.2011.158