Sleep Patterns: Lucid Dreaming Part 1

In the last few blogs we have been looking at various energetics that might influence sleep patterns and insomnia. We have also suggested that not only can broken sleep patterns be natural, but also they can enhance Lucid Dreaming. I know I have skirted around this area of Lucid dreaming in several blogs over the
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Insomnia: Broken Sleep is Natural

For the last few blogs I have been looking at the issue of not getting a full night’s sleep. Well now it is confession time: I must admit, by virtually almost all medical models, I would be classified as a perennial insomniac. I can’t really remember when it started, but I do remember as a
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Insomnia: Waking at the Same Time Most Nights

In our last blog we saw that both circadian rhythms and the TCM meridian clock can greatly influence our body and our mind. These rhythms tell a Herbal practitioner a lot about a person’s general health and anomalies. One of the easiest places to see this is with sleep patterns. Many of my patients complain
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Can the Body Control the Mind?

This is an interesting question, which is not all that straight forward to answer. Most people in the modern world feel the body’s metabolism reflects your state of mind. A current study suggests this is not always true.  Our biological clocks actually opens and closes specific communication channel in our brains.