Medications Documented to Induce Mitochondrial Damage Part 3

This series of blogs on Mitochondria is from the notes that accompany a presentation at the Vancouver Island Herb Gather June 11, 2022. In our first 2 blogs in this series (Blog 1, Blog 2), we looked at the basic function of the mitochondria and how they affect our body if they become dysfunctional. There
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Cardiovascular Disease part 3 – Avoiding Heart Failure

This is one of the most diagnosed health issues in both men and women over the age of 45; but the problem starts way before this age – in the routines of our lifestyle. In our first two blogs in this series, we talked about how the mind and emotions (part 1) played an important
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Diabetic’s Delight Tea

Ingredients: each tea bag (2000 mg) contains             Green Tea                 750 mg White Mulberry       450 mg             Guava Leaves            450 mg Gymnema                  350 mg Controlling blood sugar levels is a complex issue that includes changes in lifestyles factors like diet and exercise.  Now it has been shown that drinking a tea made from the blend
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Medicinal Mushrooms Part 6: Cordyceps, the Energetic One

Cordyceps, in its many forms, has been used since the 15th century in China and Tibet, while also being used by indigenous peoples around the world.1,2 I have seen it growing in diverse places like China and the Amazon. Its Chinese name dong chong xia cao literally means “winter bug, summer herb,” a reference to
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