Medicinal Mushrooms Part 8: Other Mushrooms

There are so many medicinal mushrooms to consider it would be easy to go on and on. I am going to list some of the mushrooms I have found most beneficial over the last 10 years. Following is the information I have dug up on them; maybe in the future I will add more details
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Medicinal Mushrooms Part 7: Oyster Mushrooms, Delicious Control

   Oyster mushroom (Hiratake, píng gū, 平菇) is a famous edible mushroom that has been eaten as a delicacy around the world for centuries. This mushroom lives up to its name, in that the taste and texture are similar to oysters. Most people find it is one of the tastiest of the normal mushrooms; adding
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Medicinal Mushrooms Part 6: Cordyceps, the Energetic One

Cordyceps, in its many forms, has been used since the 15th century in China and Tibet, while also being used by indigenous peoples around the world.1,2 I have seen it growing in diverse places like China and the Amazon. Its Chinese name dong chong xia cao literally means “winter bug, summer herb,” a reference to
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Medicinal Mushroom Part 5: Chaga, the Siberian Wonder

I was first introduced to Chaga (under another name), over a campfire talk by a Cree Elder from Northern Alberta, in the late 1980s. I was one of several instructors in a survival course on the lovely Kootenay Plains.  We were gathered to put on a weeklong course on various primitive technologies that could be
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