Cardiovascular Disease part 1 – Where do we Start?

After doing a blog on how statins might not always be good for you, several people asked me what to do, so I decided to do a multiple part blog on cardiovascular issues. We sit at a unique time in history when heart issues, both emotionally and physically, play one of the most prominent roles
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Happiness Part 4: The Remedies

In part 3 of these Happiness blogs, we saw some of the processes that modern Positive Psychology has found to increase Happiness. There are three things that have been shown to change the way the ‘Elephant’ relates to the ‘Rider’ (Happiness 1 – 3). They are meditation, cognitive therapy, and Prozac. We added in two
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Insomnia: Waking at the Same Time Most Nights

In our last blog we saw that both circadian rhythms and the TCM meridian clock can greatly influence our body and our mind. These rhythms tell a Herbal practitioner a lot about a person’s general health and anomalies. One of the easiest places to see this is with sleep patterns. Many of my patients complain
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Immune Harmony for the Cold and Flu Season

  As we enter into the cold and flu season, especially now that the kids are back in school, we should consider what to do to fortify our immune system.  I see many people these days concentrating much of their health efforts on strengthening the immune system. With so much information out there, it is
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