Are Autoimmune Diseases a Coup Attempt Reflecting Cultural Traditions? Part 5/5

By Terry Willard ClH,PhD

Making. Flower. Essences

This is the Fifth blog in this series. The first one looked at a few mini case studies and a possible framework to look at. The second related to more of the causes. The third blog we will start to look at resources to result autoimmune issues. In the fourth blog we will start to look at treatment protocols. In this blog we look at Flower Essences and conclude with some examples of treatment for a few autoimmune diseases.

Flower Essences

Although it is important to use a flower essence repertory for each client for their particular emotion/mental/spiritual conditions, the following are one I have used often: (take 3-5 drops — 3 time daily or as needed. You can mix up to 5 essences in one remedy)


anxiety or apprehension that has no known reason; easily startled or frightened 
Chamomile calming overly anxious states  
Labrador Teaattempting to balance one extreme with another; difficulty coming back to center after a traumatic or unsettling experience
Yarrow, Yellow performance anxiety, especially when felt in solar plexus; needing protection from others, use of drugs for social masking 
Goldenrod needing social approval; unsure of one’s own values: subject to peer pressure or social expectations

Depression and Despair

Bleeding Heartdepression caused by entanglement in relationships based on fear, possessiveness or neediness; emotional co-dependence; separation or death of loved one
Borage discouragement, especially from grief or heavy-heartedness; lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances; depressive behavior 
Chamomile to stabilize the emotions; calming and soothing; an inability to release tension, especially in the stomach or solar plexus 
Fireweedrelease pain, trauma, and discomfort of the body following emergency situations; encourages spiritual breakthroughs
Nasturtiumdepression caused by over-intellectualizing everything in one’s life
Saint John’s Wortfearful or disturbed dreams; depression from lack of contact with the spiritual world
Alberta Wild Rose apathy and resignation when faced with illness; not accepting difficulty or challenge

Immune Disturbances

Echinacea compromised immune system; maintaining the integrity of oneself despite trauma, abuse or environmental assault
Nasturtium lowered vitality and immunity due to overly intellectual lifestyle
Self-Heal strengthening one’s own health-creating vital forces; self-responsibility as a pathway to healing 
Yarrow, White over-sensitivity; absorption of psychic or physical toxins, leading to fatigue and depletion


Black Currantimproves self-esteem by removing up to seven generations of inherited family karma and patterns 
Buttercup knowing one’s true worth with others; shining inner light that is not attached to outer recognition or fame
Echinacea when core sense of Self has been severely abused; regaining integrity and dignity of Self; improving immune system 
Evening Primrose feeling that one is unloved and unwanted due to actual trauma, abuse or neglect in early childhood 
Goldenrod feeling one’s own individuality and strength, especially under strong pressure for social conformity
Saskatoonhelps to balance one’s own needs with the responsibility of service and care for others; aids in balancing mind/body
Sunflower sun-like, radiant individuality; owning the “I” or Self; poor relations to father or masculine aspects of Self


Chamomile moody; irritable; subject to emotional tension; overactive solar plexus; tearful
Saint John’s Wort over-expanded psyche; vulnerability to harmful influences; active dream time; easily depressed 
Trembling Poplar hypersensitive to things unseen or unknown; need for psychic balance; fear and anxiety of an unknown origin
Yarrow, Pink over-sensitivity to the emotions of others; internalizing others’ problems as one’s own; open and protected Heart energy
Yarrow, White sensitivity to negative influences in physical or psychic environment
Yarrow, Yellow seeking more active involvement in life despite acute sensitivity; vulnerable but needing to be visible

Suggested Programs for a Few Autoimmune Conditions

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Suggested Program

Arthritis diet, Cod or Halibut Liver oil 1 hour before food.

Breakfast  apple cider vinegar and honey 

Arthritis Formula (2-3 capsules), Vitamin C (500 mg), Essential Fatty Acids (2,000 mg), GLS, (500 – 1000 mg), MSM (500 – 1000 mg), Calcium/Magnesium (2 tablets), Multiminerals, Digestive Enzymes (1-3 capsules depending on need) and Vitamin D3 (2,000 IU). 

Lunch  Arthritis Formula (2-3 capsules), Vitamin C (500 mg), Aloe Vera (1/4 cup), Vitamin E (400 IU)

Supper Same as breakfast

Arthritis Formula

Devil’s Claw Extract Harpagophytum procumbens    4 prt

Yucca  Yucca spp.                                                        2 prt

Chaparral  Larrea divaricata                           2 prt

Red Clover Blossoms  Trifolium pratense                   1 prt

Valerian root  Valeriana officinalis                             1 prt

2 tablets or 40 drops tid

Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)

Suggested Program

Pre-breakfast  Apply Traumeel.

Breakfast  Reishi/Cordyceps (2 capsules), Chlorella (1,500 mg), St. John’s wort (2 capsules), Malic acid (600 – 1,200 mg), Magnesium (150 – 300 mg), Essential Fatty Acids (2000 mg) and Vitamin D (2,000 IU)

Snack  Traumeel, Vitamin C (1,000 mg).

Lunch  Reishi/Cordyceps (2 capsules).

Snack  Same as morning snack.

Supper  Same as Breakfast.

Evening  Apply Traumel, Vitamin C (1,000 mg).

Inflammatory bowel disease

Suggested Program

Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

Start with three Huang Lian Su (Berberini HCl, Coptis), Digestive enzymes (2 – 3 with each meal), Reishi extract (3 cap, bid), Essential Fatty Acids (1000 – 3000 mg) and one tablespoon of Psyllium in one cup of tomato juice twice daily (if tomato juice irritates, use other liquid). 

After one week: take one Lower Bowel Tonic daily, increase to one tablet two times daily after one more week.

In the third week add one Cleansing Formula. 

In the fourth week add another Cleansing Formula. By the fourth week you should be taking: 1 Lower Bowel Tonic (twice daily), 1 Cleansing Formula (twice daily), 1 tablespoon of Psyllium (twice daily) and 3 Huang Lian Su (three times daily).

In Conclusion

  • The Immune system is both a very complex and a simple model, depending from which point of view you look at it.
  • From a medical science point of view, it is quite complex, and it will still be many years, if not decades before all the nuances are worked out.
  • From an energy ecological point of view, it is simply an energy flow, that needs to be balanced.
  • This energy flow can be view in term of many tradition practices like TCM, Ayurveda, Eclectic, Flower Essence and other disciplines.
  • Ultimately, a blend of these various views will give us a fuller understanding of it.
  • By relining a human into coherence with our multi-dimensional being, autoimmune issues have no place to be.